MANAD, with the financial and technical support from Finnish Association of the Deaf (FAD) conducted Protection of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) training to 23 members of MANAD. Members come from 12 districts, mostly southern region. Most of them are youths and women.
The training was held on 22 to 24 June 2024. Facilitators were from various professional backgrounds. An officer from Machinga District Hospital covered youth behavior, teen pregnancy and reproductive health; another officer from Community Development within the District Council office taught members small business skill and village banking.
Third facilitator was the police officer from Victim Support Unit. He taught members about gender-based violence that is prevalent in communities and families. The Persons with Disabilities Act was unpacked and explained by the MANAD Programmes Officer. The final facilitator unpacked MANADs newly developed PSEAH Policy. These enabled members understand its contents ready to teach other members in their respective branches.