MANAD participated in the human rights and gender disability meeting held at Grace Bandawe Conference Center in Blantyre, the meeting was scheduled for 2 days 11 and 12 March 2023. During the day 1 of the meeting the MANAD Women and youth coordinator shared a brief overview of deaf and deafness. In her presentation she outlined some of the major issues that causes a person to become deaf whereas others are born deaf, and others acquire the disability through accidents, diseases etc. she also included the major challenges deaf people face in their everyday life such as communication challenges.
The discussions further proceeded into gender and disability where issues of gender equality and equal participation of women and girls with disabilities towards all opportunities was concerned. Women and girls with disabilities lag behind when comes to issues of gender-based violence hence there is a need for the OPDs to empower women and girls with disabilities to speak up whenever they face discrimination of any kind.
Day 2 in session whereas the OPDs are discussing the conventions of the rights of the people with disabilities whereas major issues such as attitudes, communication, accessibility and policy are some of the major barriers that the people with disability face every day.