In many cases, hearing people are simply unaware that Deaf people have rights and unaware of the opportunities that exist to combat inequality and bring about positive change. The adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and its Optional Protocol has provide disabled people with the means to shift disabling attitudes and environments in society and empower persons with disabilities to realize their rights. Now is the time to bring this Convention to districts.
Moreover MANAD was enhancing self-awareness among Deaf people. This was intended for them to become strong self-advocates. Persons with deafness need to know their own strengths and needs, and have the ability to effectively communicate those needs when advocating for their rights. Like any talent, advocacy must be put into practice and, as a result, it gets better with time. Practice explaining what one need in order to access ones community and enjoy ones rights.
In order to achieve UNCRPD, MANAD carried out an ambitious project, Deaf awareness campaigns. There were two campaigns that took place in 2011. The first one took place in Phalombe district on 27th August, 2011. The second took place in Nkhata bay on 5th October, 2011. The theme of the activities was like one of the 2011 International Deaf Week, "Equality of the Deaf People".
Reasons for rallies were accessing equal services and opportunities from the state as other people do like equal education services; equal health services, equal access of information, equal treatment in employment and equal; access to jobs, equality in socio-economic and political participation,