
Official MANAD News

Keep updated with MANAD news both local and International, in most case with online news we provide link to respective media owner. Our purpose is to enlighted people about MANAD activities and we understand that copyright of material are for the respective owners and we are not be resiponsible for misuse by our esteemed leaders.


Members interacting durind deaf weekEvery society has set aside a special date to commemorate their activities. On those dates, they celebrate together, share experiences and feel the sense of belonging. In Malawi Deaf people began utilizing the International Deaf Week that falls from 21st to 27th September. read more


In many cases, hearing people are simply unaware that Deaf people have rights and unaware of the opportunities that exist to combat inequality and bring about positive change. The adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and its Optional Protocol has provide disabled people with the means to shift disabling attitudes and environments in society and empower persons with disabilities to realize their rights read more

HIV and AIDS Project

HIV and AIDS has wrecked havoc to humanity. Different organizations have come out to fight against the pandemic. However, lack of accessible HIV and AIDS information for Deaf in Malawi makes them vulnerable to the disease. There is rarely any Malawi Sign Language (MSL) interpretation available on televised HIV and AIDS programs. Programs on radio leave out the Deaf people since they cannot hear. Newspapers are inaccessible to the Deaf who are more


Leaders graduatesFollowing the introduction of MANAD branches nationwide, the association decided to strengthen the operation of the branches. Leadership training was done twice in 2010 and 2011. Each district has two leader.... read more

MANAD News in other media

NyasatimesMalawi Voice
The NationZodiak online
Daily timesBBC News Africa

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