International Deaf Week is celebrated annually by deaf people worldwide during the last full week of September.
All 133 national associations of the deaf worldwide organise events, marches, debates, campaigns and meetings to
highlight specific human rights topics that merit attention by local and national governmental authorities,
including decision makers, general public and media.
International Deaf Week is about gathering together, becoming united and showing unity to the rest of the world. The International Deaf Week also increases solidarity among deaf people and allies and is used as a way to stimulate greater efforts to promote the rights of deaf people.
International Deaf Week activities also welcome the involvement of parents and families of deaf people, interpreters, professionals who work with deaf people and government officials.
For the last several years the World Federation of the Deaf identified yearly themes for International Deaf Week celebrations:
- 2009 - Deaf people’s cultural achievements
- 2010 - Deaf education
- 2011 - Accessibility to information and communications
- 2012 - Sign Bilingualism is a Human Right!
- 2013 - Equality for Deaf People
Equality for Deaf People celebrates the linguistic, artistic, social, political and cultural contributions and accomplishments of deaf people. This theme also focuses on recognition of sign languages and the rights of deaf people around the world. Focus on Equality for Deaf People also prepares us to look towards the future with a clear vision with renewed energies for creating positive change in local communities worldwide.
As one way to fulfill organization’s objectives in raising awareness on the plights and achievements of Deaf persons, Malawi National Association of the Deaf (MANAD) will joins with the rest of the world in commemorating the International Deaf week during the last week of September 2013 ( 22nd-27th) in Kasungu district.
Major activities that will be lined up during the week are:
- Open Day: During this day, there will be displays of Deaf products i.e. furniture and dressmaking, traditional dances, poem recitals, drama and Deaf march. Some of the participants in attendance will be from the government, Non-Governmental Organizations, religious officials and other guests including the parents and guardians of the Deaf people.
- Charity work: Deaf community will take time cleaning some hospitals in the municipal.
- Basic Sign Language training to the nurses and midwives and also police officers and social welfare officials. This is aimed at ensuring communication between Deaf and civil service in the municipal.
- TV presentation: deaf individuals will appear on national television station explaining the issues of the Deaf and deafness. The radio stations will also broadcast such messages throughout the week.
- Role Model: Some Deaf people will visit and talk to Deaf student at Chayamba to encourage them work hard in their education
- Sports Day: There will be different sporting disciplines that the Deaf will play against the Hearing people to show case different talents that the Deaf have.